Latest News
AGM 11th May 2023
The British Legion Dufftown 7.30pm
Followed by a talk from SARDA
(Search & Rescue Dog Association Scotland)

SARDA play a vital role in mountain rescue services, and it would be great to see a lot of people along to this.
Please come along, bring some family and friends, and spread the word to anyone who might be interested.
Although it’s our AGM, we see it just as much a social event as anything else.
It is open to all, not just FoBR members. We hope to see you there!
New Blood Wanted
If you would like to join the committee of the Friends please contact the Chair, Ella Grant, for further details
please send an email to :-
John Davidson (Botany John) Ben Rinnes Slides 1906

John Davidson (1878–1970), also known as “Botany John,” was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, on August 6, 1878.
He was forced to move to a more agreeable climate due to health issues after catching pneumonia, so moved to Vancouver on January 14, 1911, became The Canadian botanist, educator and conservationist who touched many lives through his teachings and public lectures.
His accomplishments include the creation of the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden, the University of British Columbia Herbarium and the Vancouver Natural History Society.
Below are some slides taken on a trip up Ben Rinnes in 1906 (click to open a larger image)
Images © University of British Columbia Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research and City of Vancouver Archives

Donations Box
The Friends role is now more of a fundraising role than a hands-on role, as we have done what we set out to do in terms of dealing with the scarring of the Ben by installing the path.
As a result we have decided to put a donations box at the start of the walk to the summit.
We hope that once you have enjoyed your walk you may feel that you would like to give a small donation to help us with our on-going maintanence of the path and the revegetation of the damaged areas.
All donations will be gratefully received and can be made as Gift Aid donations.
To find out more about Gift Aid click HERE
Thank you for your support
The pictures above are of Alan, Ged and Bob replacing the fence at the car park that was pushed over by snow clearing operations.
The fence posts were supplied by the Estate and the fencing wire was re-used.
Click to view a larger image