Friends of Ben Rinnes

About The Friends of Ben Rinnes

The Friends of Ben Rinnes is a registered charity (No SC 034370) which works to care for the paths and environment of Ben Rinnes and to promote responsible enjoyment of the hill by walkers. Its members are all volunteers who share these aims and who wish to support them.

The increasing popularity of the hill with walkers of all abilities has resulted in major erosion and widening of the existing paths, particularly on the upper slopes. Worst affected is the most popular route to the summit leading from the car park at Glack Harnes on the Edinvillie to Glen Rinnes road over Roy’s Hill and up the north eastern ridge. The resultant scarring on the summit cone is unsightly, unpleasant under foot and, worst of all, damaging to the fragile environment.

Nothing could have been undertaken without the co-operation of the two main estates, Glen Rinnes and Kinermony. Although members originally did some serious stone construction work, most of the effort by amateur volunteers was in maintaining and reseeding the path and its surrounds. Major works are undertaken by professional contractors. Path work is not cheap and we rely on the support and goodwill of both major and minor sponsors.

We also monitor the revegetation of reseeded areas and have discreet counters under the path to assess hill usage. We meet three times through the winter.The AGM is always followed by a guest speaker and we have a further two social evenings at which, in the past, we have been enlightened on topics ranging from Greenland mountaineering to local wildlife; mounting an expedition to travels in Mongolia.

For details of our next social gathering please see the Latest News page

New Members & donations are always welcome

Join The friends of Ben Rinnes Click HERE Just fill in the application & send it off to us

Why not make your donation a Gift Aid Donation?

This just means any donation you give to the Friends an extra 25p of every £1.00 donated goes to the Friends & not into the Government coffers! (until 2011, this also includes any donations you have made in the past SIX years). All you have to do is sign a form, what could be simpler.

If you just wish to make a donation after your hike, a donations box has now been installed at the start of the path by the car park, click HERE to view the pics of the box going in.

To find out more about Gift Aid click HERE

You can download the Gift Aid form HERE or from the Downloads page

Check out the Gallery Pages for more images of the Ben and it's environs

© Friends of Ben Rinnes 2006 - 2017 Registered Charity No: SC 034370

Template design by Arcsin

Dedicated Hosting by Memset